To the full Tech podcast brought you back Kentucky welcome to the full Take podcast his ass mango from Kentucky and we got our co-host kill Simmons and our special reoccurring guest Kurama here to talk about some Tekken game and then just all kinds of fun little things are you guys doing this evening I'm doing good doing great what about Steam talk about exclusive games and all kinds of different topics today start with the esteem others, the first one that just kind of just popped out of nowhere but I can really cut pop out of nowhere. Did you guys play Half-Life back in the day I need a lot of hair but I didn't play it I don't think I played it over seemed I think I had physical copy remember how to say I didn't play Half-Life 1 until The Orange Box come out that was really what I remember that was very controversial that you had to have steam install Half-Life 2 came out for The Orange Box and you had to have yet to install the steam client but you could get you could beta-tested first and then that's if you had Counter-Strike of stuff I got cuz I bought the Counter Strike Team because it's all kind of have this is just from memory I'm probably messing it up this is what I remember you can play Half-Life Counter-Strike 1.6 Source or something on Steam at first and I remember my account so old it really is this account I have foreseen a lily don't even have access to the email anymore cuz somebody hacked it but luckily I changed all that stuff to a email to a phone so they can't really do anything I guess unless the email somehow I don't think I mean I kind of tried to recover and it just sits unrecoverable and then and hot meals like now I can't get back to you but anyway my account so old it really is and I remembered having install Steam the Big Green client and it was so weird now you just click on Steam and they're all there you guys ever have me go ahead Irene Mayer always hated color into but I always had folders in my Starmie folders on my desktop board games where at in the is definitely different now that you can just click bad on the others or steamwork bang fun games you can play you're always try to categorize everything in my start menu back this was from like Windows 95 and 98 stuff so I would just sit back and try to make these awesome looking categories and out of semi games just like take up half the screen or something it was awesome I miss those days but I'll probably use these other launchers now it's like there's too many it's almost like Netflix and then like there's too many streaming service now yeah we got what we have we have seen same as more of a general General like overall distributor but if they have exclusivity well aside from like Counter-Strike for something to that new game that just came out artifact yeah and then then you have like origin origin has EA games you play has obviously hoobies off and land that's like the Assassin's Creed franchise y'all are all these being mainly not always not only PC but mainly easy and they I just got to thinking about it one day and and and was like well I wonder if I don't know if this is a good idea because you start your divorce origin does all mostly if not all EA games but he had a bad rep for a long time yeah they did so that's what I'm saying is like a good idea or are there better options what what can be done about it and what if you really think about it sting started it and then I'm guessing the Publishers are the game companies got tired of paying steam a cut they made their own. Doesn't make a lot of games you know that they've been making games forever but they've never really had anything in their Epic Launcher besides Unreal Tournament in Paragon before they got rid of it in the four major hit for tonight so now they're trying to compete with steam and they're offering developers more money at least they was offering more money to the people that make developers using their engine light would give them 80% thanks team was less but now steam counter with that made it 80% to pretty interesting going on with these launchers here and from what I understood from my understanding is that epic has tons of users just called a fortnight and it just because for tonight though there's no reason there's no other games yet but there is a lot coming from but I think the stores in beta now so what means team had that same audience they still had a huge Uprising whenever they had your Counter-Strike Global but I feel like over the years it is actually doing and then for tonight it's it's like it's it's pretty well hit its peak in my opinion until another game actually steps up and takes that thrown from for night that it has taken like I think I think over what had taken it from Shrek and now we're not taking it from OverWatch and then the next game will take it and it's going to hit its peak yeah we're good with that also uses I don't know babe I don't know that would be a risky move there's all these Battle Royale games such as pubg H1 Z1 stuff like that you know they all they all got real big for short. Of time what am I thinking of the way I look at these all these new little launchers pop up and definitely the Epic one they're really want to take on Steam steam can easily pull out the Wal-Mart effect and take losses on bigger games and be able to don't sell a lot of games but like the big AAA game they sell fuel Millions I think he hit over 50 million or something like that I don't know a lot like a lot too but you get a bigger percentage of your money or something now yeah pretty much until would like the last probably 10 years and that's what I was getting ready to jump into a console exclusives obviously the just PlayStation is kind of dominating everybody right now when it comes to this exclusive games I mean it's out sound the Xbox one I don't know. Double dead or something it's ridiculous but they have some of the games I have Spider-Man do you know God of War Red Dead Redemption 2 sales better on it then it does Xbox One from things I saw so far I know all the numbers right now. Just yet the ad currently don't own any consoles I only play PC I'm not going to lie I'm kind of angry that Red Dead Redemption did not come to a perfect pork and I'm okay with him taking her time to make a perfect Port yeah we'll see I'm hoping they do and I almost picked it up the other day at GameStop and it's like I'm never going to really play this if I spend 60 bucks going to be the worst 60 bucks or something cuz I'm not going to play it you still haven't played God of War tell me about anyway but still even whether you're a distributor or if you're at like a console developer do you think development from the developer's point of view business-wise is it a good idea to actually have exclusivity whether it be to a certain console or if you're on PC with her to be to us Pacific distributor well a lot of these games if they if their exclusive they're getting money from Microsoft or Sony 2 in there getting Tech Support to develop for their console so from a business standpoint some games may never get made if the consoles don't help them out I can see both sides to it if I was a game developer I would definitely want to release my game on every single platform I could or that I really wanted to see I'm kind of against mobile gaming so I really wouldn't want my game on mobile gaming or mobile devices but then how many people are you really cutting out love your Market if you don't put it on mobile game and you got to think of that way but really it comes down to money and what you're really passionate about to cuz of me I love Quake Champions and you can't play it on anything else but PC I'd like to see some phone anyway but I'm trying to say or even a controller cuz you got to be so precise in that game but I'm kind of getting off topic but blizzard Diablo 3 head expanded out to consoles as well as the question so at least they're expanding out blame them at all from what the reach a mobile market that mean from a money standpoint and from just how many customers are are they have phones they just come at it and they come out at that the PC gaming audience then that kind of attack something you all go phones don't you know if they would have just and this is coming from somebody who was Loosely a Diablo 3 scene Greenberg start of the season if they would have just said hey we got Morgan coming out and here's the new character for Diablo 3 you all been asked for it right away but nobody would have I would have ceremony that's a whole other podcast I know you had I wish I was on that you handled yourself a little bit if you don't buy consoles are I mean let's be honest I really just sandbox computer I mean you just does not open like it's not like Windows you can't control everything you do it only allows you I mean without you know help with Ahmad Sheppard you know some of the softball. There you can't gain access to change stuff on your system if anything is I mean Android phones and look at that 30 little more open than you know iPhones are like that's just the way it is but so that being said I'm kind of losing track of where I'm really going with this kind of missing kind of missing are computers these consoles are they have computer parts in them and they're basically computer as what they are so why not if you would think it would be easier to Port over I think the hardest console that was the hard copy of the program for import games to was the Wii U there for the longest time cuz nobody knows how to develop for the other screen and then tendo just kind of just destroyed that with coming out with a switch and not everybody can make a simple game on the switch now always always thought that the the difficulty importing always came from just the difference in firmware like you actually read the processor architecture like computers are so hard to application for is obviously on computers within a few design a video game specifically for the PS4 architecture it doesn't really translate over well to like our you know AMD and Intel processors I guess cuz I are custom built from what I understand I'm probably got this all confused that's why I've understood that the architecture is just so different Echo Sounder a security thing to I think that's why they got back with piracy and stuff you going back to the the if it makes sense money wise mean for tonight's your best argument for doing for knots on everything you probably play fortnite on those bridges in the store that have the screen on I mean slowly developed for the consoles and then slowly moved mobile but the thing about it is unreal already have the engine every probably every device so they just probably simplified it and making the engine their selves is only reason they were able to Port it so quickly I mean you look at pubg pubg come out on mobile to but it was it was very slow to get off the ground Jesus doesn't have a big following anymore because it's free free I can't believe how well fortnite is Ben has just took off if it's it's kind of crazy when you think about it. At least 2 years ago how far it's come the beginning of you going to experience everything in Battle Royale completely free just do the only thing you're paying for is Battle passes and skins I know people who suck a lot of money into that I don't cut up money understand unless you actually buy the the Peabody Park then you're not getting then you then some people actually pay money for that part 2 using their Fame I have saved the world and it's actually pretty fun if you like like building against like zombies Lionel that horde type game but even if it's going to be free eventually they're just waiting for not releasing a new celebrity is Nintendo and switch mean the $10 made their career off of having games that you can't get nowhere else and for me when I asked when I first saw breath of the Wild on the switch and I saw Odyssey they were console seller for me I mean I went out and bought the console and bought those two games because I knew that my cousin to know has reputation of their first party games being excellent and they knocked it out of the park on those sitting right now I'm playing the new Pokemon game okay so so touching on that what about developers who usually do have excellent games but they limit their self to exclusivity do you think that is an actual good business move or do you think they could have done better if they were expanded at well I think I mean you look at right now viral and Crash Bandicoot coming to the Xbox One on the remastered people those games so amazing because there's a generation of people who didn't get to experience them and now they're not it tied to one one console green for me I want to buy a PS4 for Spider-Man and God of War even though I watched them be played I want to experience a story for myself and make different decisions the less hires at watch might enjoy the game more than somebody else does did to ya but Destiny Destiny 2 Beta they do a lot of exclusive PS PS4 and it drove a lot of the player base to PS4 and now they but we're going to talk about this tea to that they can be another podcast I don't I don't understand the developers that They Call of Duty's bad for this to you can get new map packs on certain console ring that's just waiting that's dividing a playerbase for no please cancel snooze they buy these rights so they'll be a console seller they want you to experience was Destiny one back in there that had different maps and stuff I got to take the you know you was meant to play that on PS4 more than you was Xbox 61 that's what they wanted you to play on for whatever reason that's because Sony paid them to do that and then like sea of Thieves otherwise going to buy it on there for the PC and leaving Microsoft skin way from exclusivity of the console they're letting you play their games on PC now see I think my personal opinion is that instead of exclusivity if you have a game and there are some out there that will release themselves to multiple platforms multiple Distributors and they were all cross-platform gameplay for those to me seem like that gives Gamers options from a gamer's perspective I should say so that gives Gamers the option of preferring their own platform their own distributor and that's where they would get my opinion more their business now their decision-making or whatever and it gives them the choice of being like hey if I want to play this on PC I can play it on PC if I want to play it on Xbox One I can do that as well but you know you've already home one then I can do that I don't have to go out and buy a whole nother system I think I think it's okay to release your game on everything you can unless you're like part of the big the biggest companies Microsoft Sony and then tendo I mean they're there in the hardware Market as well so they're trying to sell you know those consoles so they kind of can't like Mario has devil you know in the mobile market and it has done very well every time it's done it for the most part mean looking Pokemon go and Mario run that they was pretty successful how do you do the Animal Crossing game Animal Crossing game it's like a little was just like a little version of Animal Crossing has a little bit of microtransactions and stuff and people love Luther Manor dabbling in it and I mean there as long as Nintendo so smart people don't realize how smart they are they are not one of these developers even with their toy lines and like stuff like a baby only put it out as much as they think people actually buy then that's it how many days they create your own buzz by shorting what they think people are going to buy that's why the NES Classics and all those are so hard to find a place where I think they need is classic they they all she sold that for $6 and had their own people like stock it up on eBay stores and make a $500 profit on each one I don't think they thought it was going to eat as popular as it was at the NES classic will go down as one of the craziest items ever sold I think that they had to come back and remake because people wanted it so much and it was done that they didn't keep making it like I don't know why they stopped why I think you were supposed to be in a limited run and they didn't think they would sell that many I just didn't lie under estimated the power of retro gaming from what I read when that was going on the manufacturer had already threw away the mold everything they had to go back and repurchase it and redo all of it so I mean that was a very interesting cuz on my side because I work for manufacturing to me that is a very unique story in a very bad decision making well I mean then they come back in there I don't know how much it's actually sold now haven't looked at the numbers but I mean it's that it sells so does the SNES classic another podcast when you come up with out but I don't know what the weather thinking but yeah I don't talk about exclusives and stuff I remember as a kid having eventually you know all the consoles and just kind of bounced back and forth from the games you wonder why cuz Final Fantasy 1 PS1 and you had Halo on Xbox and Halo just hasn't been the last couple years been the thing that everybody wants to play for whatever reason that's the one thing that's one thing I can say about some exclusive games like you got a Halo that their success boosted bunch of big time and then you have like what what was it then well they've been making all kinds of game computer game Bolivian was the first time I'd really ever heard of yeah they have my dagger Paul and then marwin Marlon was when it got but I'm not really familiar with but I haven't got a ton of time with them I actually nothing jump to also I forgot I actually found Arena complete in box and sold it on eBay for like $100 I bought it for $3 at the Peddlers little flip I done $3 box is like holy cow I mean everything was in this thing and registration all the discs everything isn't in mint condition to nothing wrong with it I mean going about this whatever you think about it I mean even even 10 years ago games that were developed for the PC or so far graphically Superior to even that came out on, and now we're well and now we're getting to that point where the low in PCS and the consoles are almost on even playing it's kind of I don't know what to say at I towing a little bit here yeah I mean in the net and the only thing that the piece he's got going for it but but now there's so much money in consoles and PCs that people who want the games for the PCS but they will never would have wanted 10 years ago like I would never want to Jet Force Gemini on my on my Windows 98 computer bringing up a Nintendo 64 that's why our people are wanting games every because of used to be able to buy PS2 and it came out all the graphics are so much better you had to be on PS2 but now that Gamers have a choice what they want play on Kevin he's either got to figure out what they're if they're going to stay with the exclusivity or spread the love around because there's more Gamers everyday pick it up PCS and consoles that I want to play the same game and want to play with her friend forms in different distributors I'll have to decide whether or not what they're going to do to make them feel seem more appealing to the gamer to try yeah I mean like notaries and I have origin on my computer right now is because I bought the Sims 4 for my wife anything else I don't follow you that much like and sometimes I run the Emojis and stuff but honestly I haven't opened up origin and probably six months in st. Louis off I don't have it installed right now but I did have Battlefield 4 and I think I installed it the last time they brought out the game pass and I wanted to try it out and I didn't enjoy it but I was like man I got all these games and even now I mean act emissions getting in out of they took Call of Duty off of their off of steam and I think that hurt them because a lot of people that bought Call of Duty on Steam every year and they don't look for it they did on their own thing I don't want to have all these launchers I wish everything was on Steam and I don't really know why all these the launcher is pretty good I still thinks teams the best I think steam is getting ready it's getting to a point where there's too much too much crap in I will say that get in the green light thing was awesome idea first and they everybody started abusing it man in this like crap gets put on there for the $5 or less everyone time to LP Bank off of success for all the VR game I mean they need to separate those out for game developers but it may need to quit letting like it used to just be high quality only games like almost AAA only Crowley on Steam like there was no shovel work crap and honestly they don't advertise it always just wanted to find something new you can find that one that the next best thing and then you got to wait through all the crap it's getting to the point a gift becoming oversaturated but then you got all these other launchers and origin and it's just there's too much there's two there's too much awesome I still only have Netflix YouTube and it will be for a while to realize I never really used it TV show done or Volvo Nashville I can pay $35 to have all the live TV that are potentially one without all the extra crap that's enough things all these just TVs they got YouTube TV got sling TV and then you got to get the ESPN app and pay for that just like YouTube TV has all the has all the basic ESPN's and SEC network in Big Ten Network in all that already built into it it's okay it's a lot about going back up try to stay on topic I remember when Counter-Strike first time I ever played Counter-Strike was on Xbox release The Orange Box consoles to and those games of the portal and half-life of Counter-Strike in Team Fortress and all that me want to play it again I still like tf2 but it's I don't know if yeah but I just six or seven oh yeah and I wouldn't bother you if they it's a limited-time bike if Spider-Man came out and said hey we're exclusive Sony for one year and then we'll come out on PC I wouldn't buy a PS I will just wait is exclusivity. The right thing to do or the reason you're on some people's opinions then what other options could we possibly have be successful and how would they impact the gaming World especially I'm more Curious we talked about Retro Gaming we talk about exclusivity will play a part more in now that we're getting into like the VR and augmented reality era lot of things that are on the exclusive the Oculus are only exclusive to the to the Vive but there are ways around that from everything I've gathered there's there they are programs that allow you to break the the DRM and stuff play on right but that that falls back onto the board of the opinion that was where the other options but how's it also gland pack playing I think I think it's got a lot better since I don't know when since after the 360 and PS3 I think it's become less exclusive cuz you know we've now loud cross-platform and who in the world would ever thought that was happening and that's like big tanks of Rocket league in fortnite for pushing that ending, as long as it's not a shooter shooter games begin to have to be more control in a mouse and keyboard controller so are you I'm actually had people I wanted to play games with before 9 I might guys are screwing up and they're like no I don't want to play against PC people I will be on your team right cuz you have a building with a mouse I think in fortnite like Angels who even though he's on a PC he will play Shooters with a k i just has a special case he use the track bar for a while to play shooter games I mean you have to play the controller like Assassin's Creed or Batman Arkham Asylum just doesn't feel right, you don't have a controller that's one of those is on PC that if you don't have a controller it's more difficult that is so much more difficult than the people give me any comments got home running running pretty late here I think I think in the near future we'll see Lucy either the consoles coming together or the developers coming together to take a. so you think they're going to be like one and all console only launcher because right now if if that's the AAA people and they made their own monster that had all EA games all Activision game all you know who be soft games on there I would wouldn't mind that because that was if I have to remember which launcher a game is on Hennepin and as far as console platforms or whatever I feel like Playstation Xbox there just want to turn into basic gaming computers eventually legit be a computer original Xbox lost it basically was a computer what we need to do you guys know how the Xbox was named the original Ain't No Lie so if you didn't know that's what Microsoft runs on is DirectX and that's their game and language you know is Rick X so whatever they was developing this console there like what we want to write name is DirectX when we won't have it in this big box and they're like that's just called the direct Xbox and they just dropped the direct so I mean to dream cast the original Dreamcast the Dreamcast ran on Windows Compact Edition let me know if councils for a while I have just been computers with certain modified operating systems competitive PCS that's all they're going to be in console and PC games on Android users simple is always going to be a divided they're all going to get the same product just depending on what you with the Run console exclusive people act like they just love their consoles devices I'm like man listen to gaming PC is way better I don't like I don't know how you don't see it like I don't like to hook up this could be a whole nother podcast I'll try to wrap it up there like it's so easy to plug up the TV and play I'm like so what is a computer you can literally do the same thing but I'm still surprised though that the Google hasn't released some kind of Android Base platform other than mobile I'm not 100% sure what was at the hooyah whatever that was Android well what we've learned is we could had four of the podcast in this parking the podcast we won't talk about today but if you guys aren't watching these guys on Twitch. TV you should have got Twitch. TV forward slash, you got. TV for calcium and check them out Kentucky we can even have a podcast be sure to follow me on Twitter at real KY nerd Google, has twitch their Twitter to Puerto Rico Ramos Twitter kill Simmons but you're listening to hear from you but you guys have a good night and we'll catch you next to the full Tech podcast brought you back Kentucky welcome to the full Take podcast his ass mango from Kentucky and we got our Cohoes kill Simmons and our special reoccurring guest Kurama here to talk about some taking game and then just all kinds of fun little things are you guys doing this evening I'm doing good I'm great we'll talk about Steam talk about exclusive games and all kinds of different topics today start with the start with steam cuz it was kind of the first one that just kind of just popped out of nowhere but didn't really cut pop out of nowhere. Did you guys play Half-Life back in the day wait a lot of hair but I didn't play it I don't think I played it over sing I think I had physical copy so the way I remember it until The Orange Box come out that was really what I remember that was very controversial that you had to have steam install Half-Life 2 came out for The Orange Box and you had to have yet to install the steam client but you could but you can beta test it first and then that's if you had Counter-Strike of stuff I got cuz they mention about The Counter Strike Team because it's all kind of had this is just from memory I'm probably messing it up this is what I remember you can play Half-Life Counter-Strike 1.6 Source or something on Steam at first and I remember my account so all it really is this account I have foreseen I literally don't even have access to the email anymore cuz somebody hacked it but luckily I changed all that stuff to a email to a phone so they can't really do anything I guess unless the email somehow I don't think I mean like I've tried to recover and it just sits unrecoverable and then and Hotmail like now I can't get back to you but anyway my account so old it really is and I remembered having install Steam the Big Green client start going to games and click an icon now you just click on Steam and they're all there you guys are having me go ahead Irene mob always hated color into but I always had folders in my Starmie folders on my desktop board games where at in the is definitely different now that you can just click bad on the others or steam work on games you can play you always try to categorize everything in my start menu back this was from like Windows 95 and 98 stuff so I would just sit back and try to make these awesome looking categories games just like take up half the screen or something it was awesome I miss those days but the these other launchers now it's too many it's almost like Netflix streaming service now yeah we got what we have we have seen same as more of a general General like overall distributor but I'm not really sure if they have it well aside from like Counter-Strike or something that new game that just came out artifact yeah and then then you have like origin origin has EA games you play has obviously hoobies off and land that's like the Assassin's Creed franchise y'all any and all these being mainly not always not only PC but mainly easy and they I just got to thinking about it one day and I was like well I wonder if I don't know if this is a good idea because you started up word origin does all mostly if not all EA games but he had a bad rep for a long time yeah they did so that's what I'm saying is like is it a good idea or Hammer standpoint that they are there better options or what what can be done about it I am and what if you really think about its team started it and then I'm guessing the Publishers are the game companies got tired of paying steam a cut they made their own. Doesn't make a lot of games you know that they've been making games forever but they've never really had anything in their Epic Launcher besides Unreal Tournament in Paragon before they got rid of it in the four major hit fortnite so now they're trying to compete with steam and they're offering developers more money at least they was offering more money to the people that make developers using their engine light would give them 80% I think steam was less the nasty encounter with that made it 80% to pretty interesting going on with these launchers here and from what I understood from my understanding is that epic cast tons of users just cause a fortnight and it's just because for tonight though there's no reason to there's no other games yet but there is a lot coming from but I think the stores in Baton now so what means team had that same audience they still had a huge Uprising whenever they had your Counter-Strike Global but I feel like over the years it is actually doing down and then for tonight it's it's like it's it's pretty well hit its peak in my opinion until another game actually steps up and takes that thrown from for night that it has like I think I think over what had taken it from Shrek and now we're not as taking it from OverWatch and then the next game will take it her for tonight and it's all going to hit its peak and it's going to all these different distributors I didn't I didn't know that they were letting people that use the Unreal Engine I would there's one game they won't let on there was probably pubg which also uses Unreal Engine I don't know babe I don't know that would be a risky move there's all these Battle Royale games such as pubg H onesie one stuff like that you know they all they all got real big for a short. Of time and now for not taking over what am I thinking of the way I look at these all these new launchers pop up and definitely the Epic one they're really want to take on Steam steam can easily pull lock the Wal-Mart effect and take losses on bigger games and be able to call you don't sell a lot of games with like the big AAA games they sell fuel Millions like you hit over 50 million or something like that I don't know a lot like a lot too but you get a bigger percentage of your money or something now yeah pretty much until like the last probably 10 years that's what I was getting ready to jump into a console exclusives obviously just PlayStation is kind of dominating everybody right now when it comes to this exclusive games I mean it's out sound the Xbox one I don't know about double DIN or something it's ridiculous but they have some of the games I have Spider-Man do you know God of War Red Dead Redemption 2 sales better on it then it does Xbox one truck from things I saw so far I know all the numbers and out just yet what's the ad currently don't own any consoles I only play PC I'm not going to lie I'm kind of angry that Red Dead Redemption did not come to feed a perfect pork and I'm okay with him taking your time to make a perfect Port will see you at GameStop and it's like I'm never going to really play this if I spend 60 bucks come to the worst 60 bucks or something cuz I'm not going to play it are you still having play God of War tell me about anyway but still even even whether you're a distributor or if you're at it like a console developer do you think development from the developer's point of view business-wise is it a good idea to actually have exclusivity whether it be to a certain console or if you're on PC with her to be to a specific distributor well a lot of these games if they if their exclusive they're getting money from Microsoft or Sony 2 in there getting Tech Support to develop for their console so from a business standpoint some games may never get made if the consoles don't help them out I can see both sides to it if I was a game developer I would definitely want to release my game on every single platform I could or that I really wanted to see I'm kind of against mobile gaming so I really wouldn't want my game on mobile gaming or mobile devices but then how many people are you really cutting out love your Market if you don't put it on mobile think of that way but really it comes down to money and what you're really passionate about to cuz I mean I love Quake Champions and you can't play it on anything else but PC I'd like to see some phone anyway but I'm trying to say or even a controller cuz you got to be so precise in that game but, I'm kind of getting off topic but yeah bo3 an expanded out to consoles as well as the question so at least they're expanding out I can't blame them at all from what the reach a mobile market that means from a money standpoint and from just how many customers are are they have phones they just come at it and I they come out at that the PC gaming audience if they would have just and this is coming from somebody who actually a Diablo 3 start of the season if they would have just said hey we wouldn't coming out and here's the new character for Diablo 3 you all been asked for it at least call over the ceremony that's a whole other podcast will get on this I know you had I wish I was on that you handled yourself a little bit if you don't buy consoles are I mean let's be honest I really just of sandbox computer I mean you just does not open like it's not like Windows you can't control everything you do it only allows you I mean without you know help with Ahmad Sheppard you know some of the softball. There you can't gain access to change stuff on your system with anything I mean Android phone to look at 30A little more open than you know iPhones are like that's just the way it is but so that being said I'm kind of losing track of where I'm really going with this kind of missing kind of missing because we are computers these consoles are they have computer parts in them and they're basically computer as what they are so why not if you think it would be easier to Port over I think the hardest console that was the hardest cost of the program for in Fort Games 2 was the Wii U there for the long time but nobody knows how to develop for the other screen and then tendo just kind of just destroyed that with coming out with a switch and not everybody can make a simple game on the switch consoles the program for always always thought that the the difficulty importing always came from just the difference in firmware like you actually read the processor architecture like computers are so hard to a place war is obviously on computers within a few design a video games specifically for the PS4 architecture it doesn't really translate over well to like our you know AMD and Intel processors I guess cuz I are custom built from what I understand play got this all confused that's why I've understood it that the architecture is just so different Echo Sounder a security thing to I think that's why they got back with piracy and stuff going back to the the if it makes sense money wise mean Fort Knox your best argument for doing for tonight's on everything you can probably play Foreigner on those bridges in those store that have the screen on I mean develop for the consoles and then sold and moved to mobile but the thing about is unreal already have the engine every probably every device so they just probably simplified it and making the engine their selves is only reason they were able to Port it so quickly I mean you look at pubg pubg come out on mobile to but it was it was very slow to get off the ground pubg just doesn't have a bigger following anymore because it's free I can't believe how well fortnite is Ben has just took off it's it's it's kind of crazy when you think about it. At least 2 years ago how far it's come you going to experience everything in Battle Royale completely free just do the only thing you're paying for is Battle passes and skins I know people who suck a lot of money into that I don't cut up money unless you actually buy the the Peabody Park then you're laughing then you then some people actually pay money for that part 2 using the wrong thing I have saved the world and it's actually pretty fun if you like like building against like zombies do you know that horde top game even if it's going to be free eventually they're just waiting to 70 is Nintendo and switch mean the $10 made their career off of having games that you can't get nowhere else and for me when I asked when I first saw breath of the Wild on the switch and I saw Odyssey they were console seller for me I mean I went out and bought the console and bought those two games because I knew that my cousin to know his reputation over their first party games being excellent and they knocked it out of the park on those sitting right now I'm playing the new Pokemon game okay so so touching on that what about developers who usually do have excellent games but they limit their self to exclusivity do you think that is an actual good business move or do you think they could have done better if they were expanded at well I think I mean you look at right now viral and Crash Bandicoot coming to the Xbox One on the remastered people those games so amazing because there's a generation of people who didn't get to experience them and now they're not tied to one one console green army I want to buy a PS4 for Spider-Man and God of War even though I watched them be played I want to experience the story for myself and make different decisions in the tires off watch might enjoy the game more than somebody else did to ya a destiny destiny 2 Beta they do a lot of exclusive PS PS4 and it drove a lot of the player base to PS4 and now they did help it but we're going to talk about this tea to that they could be another podcast I don't I don't understand the developers that They Call of Duty's bad for this to you can get new map packs on certain console ring that's just waiting that's dividing a playerbase for no please cancel snooze they buy these rights so they'll be a console seller they want you to experience was Destiny one back in there that had different maps and stuff I got to take the you know you was meant to play that on PS4 more than he was Xbox 61 that's what they wanted you to play on for whatever reason that's why I paid them to do that and then like sea of Thieves sea of Thieves will probably be a great game if it was a multiple come otherwise going to buy it on there for the PC and even Microsoft skin way from exclusivity of console they're letting you play their games on PC now see I think my personal opinion is that instead of exclusivity if you had a game and there are some out there that will release themselves to multiple platforms multiple distributors near as I can but they were all cross-platform gameplay seem like that gives Gamers options from a gamer's perspective I should say that that gives Gamers the option of preferring their own platform their own distributor and that's where they would get my opinion more their business now their decision-making or whatever and it gives them the choice of being like hey if I want to play this on PC I can play it on PC if I want to play it on Xbox one but you know you've already home one then I can do that I think I think it's okay to release your game on everything you can unless you're like part of the big the biggest companies Microsoft Sony and then tendo I mean they're there in the hardware Market as well so they're trying to sell you know those consoles so they kind of can't like Mario has devil you know in the mobile marketing that has done very well every time it's done it for the most part I mean look at Pokemon go and Mario run that they was pretty successful leave the Animal Crossing game Animal Crossing game it's like a little animal crossing has a little bit of microtransactions and stuff and people love it when they're dabbling in it and I mean that as long as it's a no so smart people don't realize how smart they are they are not one of these developers even with their toy lines and like stuff like a baby only put it as much as they think people actually buy then that's it how many days they create their own buzz by shorting what they think people going to buy that's why the NES Classics and all those are so hard to find a place where I think they need is classic they they all she sold that for $6 and had their own people like stock it up on eBay stores and make a $500 profit on each one I don't think they thought it was going to eat as popular as it was are the NES classic will go down as one of the craziest items ever sold I think that they had to come back and remake because people wanted it so much and I was dumb but they didn't keep making it like I don't know why they stopped why I think you were supposed to be in a limited run and they didn't think they would sell that meeting in the power of retro gaming the manufacturer be threw away the mold everything they had to go back and repurchase it and redo all of it so I mean that was a very interesting cuz I'm my sidearm cuz I work for manufacturing to me that is a very unique story in a very bad decision making well I mean then they come back in there I don't know how much it's actually sold now haven't looked at the numbers but I mean it's it it sells so does the SNES classic come up with a PS1 classic coming out but I don't know what they're thinking but yeah I don't but do you know my name talk about exclusives and stuff I remember his kid having eventually you know all the consoles and just kind of bounced back and forth from the games you wanted to play cuz Final Fantasy 1 PS1 and you had Halo on Xbox Halo just hasn't been the last couple years been the thing that everybody wants to play for whatever reason that's the one thing that's one thing I can say about some exclusivity games like you got a Halo that their success boosted bunch of big time and then you have like what what was it there well they've been making all kinds of game computer game Morrowind and Oblivion was the first time I'd really ever heard of yeah they had mine then Marwan Marlon was when I got there but I'm not really familiar with fall or something but I haven't got a ton of time with them I actually nothing jump to also I forgot I actually found Arena complete in box and sold it on eBay for like $100 I bought it for $3 at the Peddlers I'm a little flip I done just a little one $3 box I mean everything was in this thing had registration all the discs everything isn't in mint condition to nothing wrong about what do you think about it I mean even even 10 years ago games that were developed for the PC or so far graphically Superior to evening that come out on cam still are and now we're well and now we're getting to that point where the lowing PCS and the consoles are almost on even playing you it's kind of I don't know what to say if by towing a little bit here yeah I mean in the net and the only thing that the piece he's got going for it but but now there's so much money in consoles and PCs that people who want the games for the PCS that they would never would have wanted 10 years ago like I would have never wanted Jet Force Gemini on my on my Windows 98 computer bringing up a room that's why our people are wanting games every because of used to be able black PS2 and it came out all the graphics are so much better you had to be on PS2 but now that Gamers have a choice what they want play on Kevin he's either got to figure out what they're if they're going to stay with the exclusivity or spread the love around because there's more Gamers everyday pick it up PCS and consoles that I want to play the same game and want to play with her friend forms in different distributors I'll have to decide whether or not what they're going to do to make themselves seem more appealing to the gamer to try to come yeah I mean like the only reason I have origin on my computer right now is because I bought the Sims 4 for my wife anything else I don't follow me a that much like and sometimes I run demos and stuff but honestly I haven't opened up origin and probably six months in st. Louis off I don't have it installed right now but I did have Battlefield 4 and I think I installed it the last time they brought out the game pass and I wanted to try it out and I did enjoy it but I was like man I got all these games and even now I mean activations getting it on if they took Call of Duty off of their off of steam and I think that hurt them because a lot of people that bought Call of Duty on Steam every year and they go look for it from the same time every year and I even my father he was like why is it the new Call of Duty on they did on their own thing I don't want to have all these everything was on Steam and I don't really know why all these the launcher is pretty good I still thinks teams the best I think steam is getting ready is getting to a point where there's too much too much crap in I will say that get in green light thing was awesome idea first and they everybody started abusing it man in this like crap gets put on there success for all the VR game I mean they need to separate those out for you it may need to quit letting like it used to this be high-quality only games like almost AAA only Crawley on Steam like there was no shovel work crap and honestly they don't advertise if you're always just wanting to find something new to buy you can find that one indie games that the next best thing and then you got to wait through all the crap it's getting to the point where I think it's becoming oversaturated but then you got all these other launchers and origin and it's just there's too much there's two there's too much everything is awesome I still only have Netflix YouTube I used to for a while I realized I never really used it TV show the bigger like lights done or Volvo Nashville I can pay $35 to have all the live TV that are potentially one without all the extra crap at that that's another thing is all these just TVs they got YouTube TV got sling TV and then you got to get the ESPN app and pay for that it's like on YouTube TV has all the has all the basic ESPN and SEC network and Big Ten Network in all that already built into it it's okay it's a lot about go back up try to stay on topic I remember when Counter-Strike first time I ever played Counter-Strike was on Xbox release The Orange Box consoles 2 and those games of the portal and half-life of Counter-Strike A Team Fortress and all that we want to play it again I still like tf2 but it's I don't know if late yeah but I just come out it was two thousand six or seven back if Spider-Man came out and said hey we're exclusive with Sony for one year and then we'll come out on PC I wouldn't buy a PS I was just wait is exclusivity. The right thing to do or the rent you on some people's opinions and what other options could we possibly have and steel be successful and how would they impact the gaming World especially I'm more Curious we talked about Retro Gaming we talked about modern technology exclusivity will play a part more in now that we're getting into like the VR and augmented reality era lot of things that are on the exclusive the Oculus are only exclusive to the to the Vive but there are ways around that from everything I've gathered there is there they are programs that allow you to break the the DRM and stuff play on right but that that falls back onto the water the neon that was one of the other options but how's it also gland pack playing I think I think it's got a lot better since I don't know when since after the 360 and PS3 I think it's become less exclusive cuz you know we've now allow cross-platform and who in the world would ever thought that was happening and that's like big thinks the rocket league in fortnite for pushing that ending, as long as it's not a shooter shooter games begin to have their kids to be more control in a mouse and keyboard controller so unfair Advantage people I want to play games with the fortnite PC people think you do know I will be on your team right cuz you have a lot of Advantage building with a mouse I think in fortnite yeah, even though he's on a PC he will play Shooters with a k i just as a Special K to use the track bar for a while to play shooter games you have played the you have to play the controller like Assassin's Creed or Batman Arkham Asylum just doesn't feel right controller on PC but if you don't have a controller it's more difficult yeah it is so much more difficult than the people give me any comments got home running running pretty late here I think I think in the near future we'll see you see either the consoles coming together or the developers coming together to take a. so you think they're going to be like one and all console I want everything on PC launcher because right now if if that's the AAA people and they made their own monster that had all EA games all Activision game all you know who be soft games on there I would wouldn't mind that because if I have to remember which launcher or game is on it's just I feel like that would be any pin and as far as console or just platforms or whatever I feel like Playstation Xbox there just a basic gaming computers eventually legit be a computer original Xbox lost it basically was a computer what we need to do you guys know how the Xbox was named so if you didn't know that's what the Microsoft runs on is DirectX and that's their game and language you know is Rick X so whatever they was developing this console gaming DirectX then we won't have it in this big box and they're like that's just called the direct Xbox and they just dropped the direct so I mean even the Dreamcast the original Dreamcast original there's only one Dreamcast the Dreamcast ran on Windows CE compact Edition let me know if U consoles for a while I have just been computers with certain modified operating systems competitive PCS that's all they're going to think console and PC game reserve simple is always going to be in divide they're all going to get the same Prada depending on what you see I'm fine with people playing on consoles but it's like I hate arguing with consoles console-exclusive people that like they just love their console device is unlocked man listen to gaming PC is way better I don't like I don't know how you don't see it like I don't like the wood so easy to hook up the plug up the TV and play I'm like so what is a computer I don't you can literally do the same thing but I'm still surprised of android-based platform other than mobile about it what was at the hooyah or whatever that was Android we can have four of the podcast in this podcast I love the podcast we won't talk about today but if you guys aren't watching these guys on Twitch. TV you should have got Twitch. TV forward slash, you got us. TV for Kelsey check them out the website Kentucky without it we can even have a podcast be sure to follow me on Twitter at real KY nerd Google, has twitch their Twitter to put a Ruger on on Twitter kill Simmons but you're listening would like to hear from you but you guys have a good night and we'll catch you next to the full Tech podcast brought you back Kentucky welcome to the full Take podcast his ass mango from Kentucky and we got our Cohoes kill Simmons and our special reoccurring guest who Kurama here to talk about some taking game and then just all kinds of fun little things are you guys doing this evening I'm doing good doing great we'll talk about Steam talk about exclusive games and just all all kinds of different different topics today start with the what's up with steam cuz it's kind of the first one that just kind of just popped out of nowhere but didn't really cut pop out of nowhere. Did you guys play Half-Life back in the day wait a lot of hair but I didn't play it I don't think I played it over seeing I think I had a physical copy so where you at remember until The Orange Box come out that was really what I remember that was very controversial that you had to have steam install Half-Life 2 came out for The Orange Box and you had to have yet to install the steam would you cook that you can beta test it first and then that's if you had Counter-Strike of stuff I got cuz I bought the Counter Strike Team from memory I'm probably messing it up this is what I remember you can play Half-Life Counter-Strike 1.6 Source or something on Steam at first and I remember my account so old it really is this account I have foreseen a lily don't even have access to the email anymore cuz somebody hacked it but luckily I changed all that stuff to a email to a phone so they can't really do anything I guess unless the email somehow I don't think I mean I kind of tried to recover and it just sits unrecoverable and then and Hotmail right now I can't get back to you but anyway my account so old it really is and I remembered having install Steam the Big Green clients and it was so weird now you just click on Steam and they're all there you guys are having a vehicle head Ira mob always hated color into it always had folders in my start me folders on my desktop word games where at in the is definitely different now that you can just click bad on the others or steam work on games you can play you always try to categorize everything in my start menu back this was from like Windows 95 and 98 stuff so I would just sit back and try to make these awesome looking categories how many games is like take a half the screen or something it was awesome I miss those days but the problem is these are the launchers now it's like there's too many it's almost like Netflix and then there's too many streaming services now yeah we got what we have we have stain same as more of a general General like overall distributor but I'm not really sure if they have exclusivity LOL aside from like Counter-Strike or something that new game that just came out artifact yeah and then then you have like origin origin has EA games you play has obviously hoobies off and land that's like the Assassin's Creed franchise y'all any and all these being mainly not always not only PC but mainly and they I just got to thinking about it one day and I was like well I wonder if I don't know if this is a good idea because you started up word origin does all mostly if not all EA games but he had a bad rep for a long time yeah they did so that's what I'm saying is like is it a good idea for a better option and what if you really think about it sting started it and then I'm guessing the Publishers are the game companies got tired of paying steam a cut they made their own. Doesn't make a lot of sense because they've got the games you know the they've been making games forever but they've never really had anything in their Epic Launcher besides Unreal Tournament in Paragon before they got rid of it in the first major hit for the team and they're offering developers more money at least they was offering more money to the people that make developers using their engine light would give them 80% I think steam was the nasty encounter with that made it 80% to pretty interesting going on with these launchers here and from what I understood her from my understanding is that epic cast tons of users just cause a fortnight and it just because for tonight though there's no reason there's no other games yet but there is a lot coming from that I think the stores and beta now so what means team had that same audience they still had a huge Uprising but I feel like over the years it is actually doing down and then for tonight it's it's like it's it's pretty well hit its peak in my opinion until another game actually steps up and takes that Throne from for night that it has taken like I think I think over what had taken it from Shrek and now he's taking it from OverWatch and then the next game will take it and it's all going to hit its peak yeah we're good with that also uses I don't know babe I don't know that would be a risky move so just put g h onesie one stuff like that you know they all they all got real big for short. Of time and now for not taking over what am I thinking of it the way I look at these all these new launchers pop up and definitely the Epic one they're really steamed can easily pull lock the Wal-Mart effect intake losses on bigger games and be able to don't sell a lot of games with like the big AAA games they sell your Millions I like you hit over 50 million or something like that I don't know a lot like a lot too but you get a bigger percentage of your money or something now yeah pretty much until would like the last probably 10 years and that's what I was getting ready to jump into a console exclusives obviously just PlayStation is kind of dominating everybody right now when it comes to this exclusive games I mean it's out sound the Xbox one I don't know. Double DIN or something it's ridiculous I have some of the games I have Spider-Man do you know God of War Red Dead Redemption 2 sales better on it then it does Xbox One from things I've saw so far I don't all the numbers right now. Just you the ad currently don't own any consoles I only play PC I'm not going to lie I'm kind of angry that Red Dead Redemption did not come to feed a perfect pork and I'm okay with him taking your time to make a perfect Port yeah we'll see at GameStop and it's like I'm never going to really play this if I spend 60 bucks come to the worst 60 bucks or something cuz I'm not going to play it are you still having play God of War tell me about anyway but still even whether you're a distributor or if you're at like a console developer do you think development from the developers point of view is it a good idea to actually have exclusivity whether it be to a certain console or if you're on PC with her to be to us Pacific distribute well a lot of these games if they if their exclusive they're getting money from Microsoft or Sony to endure getting Tech Support to develop for their console so from a business standpoint some games may never get made if the console's don't help them out I can see both sides to it if I was a game developer I would definitely want to release my game on every single platform I could or that I really wanted to see I'm kind of against mobile gaming so I really wouldn't want my game on mobile gaming or mobile devices but then how many people are you really cutting out of your Market if you don't put it on mobile game when you got to think of that way but really it comes down to money and what you're really passionate about to cuz I mean I love Quake Champions and you can't play it on anything else but PC I'd like to see some phone anyway but I'm trying to say or even a controller cuz you got to be so precise in that game but, I'm kind of getting off topic but blizzard Diablo 3 it expanded out to consoles as well as the question so I can't blame them at all from wanting to reach a mobile market I mean from a money standpoint and from just how many customers are are they have phones they just come at it at a they come out at that the PC gaming audience then that kind of attack something you all go phones don't you know if they would have just and this is coming from somebody who actually a Diablo 3 start of the season if they would have just said hey we wouldn't coming out and here's the new character for Diablo 3 you all been asked for at least call over the ceremony that's a whole other podcast will get on this I know you had I wish I was on that you handled yourself a little bit if you don't buy consoles are I mean let's be honest I really just sandbox computer I mean you just does not open like it's not like Windows you can't control everything you do it only allows you I mean without you know help with Ahmad Sheppard you know some of the softball. There you can't gain access to change stuff on your system just like it with anything I mean Android phones and look at 30 a little more open than you know iPhones are like that's just the way it is but so let me and said I'm kind of losing track of where I'm really going with this kind of missing my butt kind of missing cuz they are computers these consoles are they have computer parts in them and they're basically computer does what they are so why not if you would think it would be easier to pour over I think the hardest console that was the hard copy of the program for import games to was the Wii U there for the long time but nobody knows how to develop for the other screen and then I'll just kind of just destroyed that with coming out with a switch and now everybody can make a simple game on the switch now to be like one of the simplest program for like always always thought that the the difficulty importing always came from just the difference in firmware like you actually RI RI RI RI processor architecture like her so hard computers within a few design a video games specifically for the PS4 architecture it doesn't really translate over well to like REO AMD and Intel processors I guess cuz I are custom built from what I understand I'm probably got this all confused that's why I've understood that the architecture is just so different Echo Sounder a security thing to I think that's why they fought back with piracy and stuff you going back to the the if it makes sense money wise mean for tonight's your best argument for doing for knots on everything you can probably play Foreigner on those bridges in those store that have the screen on I mean slowly developed for the consoles and then slowly moved mobile but the thing about is unreal already have the engine every probably every device so they just probably simplified it and making the engine their selves is only reason they were able to Port it so quickly I mean you look at pubg pubg come out on mobile to but it was it was very slow to get off the ground it doesn't have a bigger following anymore I can't believe how well fortnite has been has just took off it's it's it's kind of crazy when you think about it. At least 2 years ago how far it's come you going to experience everything in Battle Royale completely free just do the only thing you're paying for is Battle passes and skins I know people who suck a lot of money into that I don't cut up money I totally understand it unless you actually buy the the PBE part then you're not then you then some people actually pay money for that part 2 using the same I have saved the world and it's actually pretty fun if you like like building against like zombies do you know that horde type game but even if it's going to be free eventually they're just waiting for not releasing lucidity is Nintendo and switch mean the $10 made their career off of having games that you can't get nowhere else and for me when I asked when I first saw breath of the Wild on the switch and I saw Odyssey they were console seller for me I mean I went out and bought the console and bought those two games because I knew that my cousin tendo has reputation of their first party games being excellent and they knocked it out of the park on those sitting right now I'm playing the new Pokemon game okay so so touching on that what about developers who usually do have excellent games but they limit their self exclusivity do you think that is an actual good businessman or do you think they could have done better if they were expanded that or I think I mean you look at it right now and Crash Bandicoot coming to the Xbox One on the remastered people those games so amazing because there's a generation of people who didn't get to experience them and now they're not tied to one one console green army I want to buy a PS4 for Spider-Man and God of War even though I watched them be played I want to experience a story for myself and make different decisions than the let's watch might enjoy the game more than somebody else does did to ya but Destiny Destiny 2 they they do a lot of exclusive PS PS4 and it drove a lot of the player base to PS4 and now they but but they see to that they can be another podcast I don't I don't understand that developers that and they Call of Duty's bad for this to get new map packs on certain console or Astros waiting that's the body in your player base for no cancel seller they want you to experience was Destiny one back in there that had different maps and stuff like I didn't know you was meant to play that on PS4 more than you was Xbox One that's what they wanted you to play on for whatever reason and I paid them to do that and then like sea of Thieves sea of Thieves will probably be a great game if it was a multiple come otherwise going to buy it on there for the PC and even Microsoft skin way from exclusivity of the console they're letting you play their games on PC now see I think my personal opinion is that instead of exclusivity if you have a game and there are some out there that will release themselves to multiple platforms multiple distributors near all cross-platform gameplay seem like that gives Gamers options from a gamer's perspective I should say that that gives Gamers the option of preferring their own platform their own distributor and that's where they would get my opinion more their business no their decision-making or whatever and it gives them the choice of being like hey if I want to play this on PC I can play it on PC if I want to play it on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 but you know you've already home one then I can do that I don't have to go out and buy a whole nother system I think I think it's okay to release your game on everything you can unless you're like part of the big the biggest companies Microsoft Sony and Nintendo I mean they're there in the hardware Market as well so they're trying to sell you know those consoles so they kind of can't like Mario has devil you know in the mobile marketing that has done very well every time it's done it for the most part I mean look in Pokemon go and Mario run that they was pretty successful leave the Animal Crossing game is there Animal Crossing game it's like a little like a little version of Animal Crossing has a little bit of microtransactions and stuff and people love their dabbling in it and I mean there as long as Nintendo so smart people don't realize how smart they are they are not one of these developers even with their toy lines and like stuff like a baby only put it as much as I think people actually buy then that's it how many days they create their own buzz by shorting what they think people are going to buy that's why the NES Classics and all those are so hard to find a place where I think they need is classic they they all she sold that for $6 and had their own people like stock it up on eBay stores and make a $500 profit on each one I don't think they thought it was going to eat as popular as it was the NES classic will go down as one of the craziest items ever sold I think that they had to come back and remake the people wanted it so much and it was done that they didn't keep making it like I don't know why they stopped why I think you were supposed to be in a limited run and they didn't think they would sell that many estimated the power of retro gaming the manufacturer had he threw away the mold everything they had to go back and repurchase it and redo all of it so I mean that was a mess of very interesting cuz on my side because I work in manufacturing to me that is a very unique story in a very bad decision making well I mean then they come back in there I don't know how much it's actually sold now haven't looked at the numbers but I mean it's it it sells so does the SNES classic another podcast me to come up with. But I don't know what the weather thinking butt yeah I don't but you never know. Talk about exclusives and stuff I remember as a kid having eventually you know all the consoles and just kind of bounced back and forth from the games you wonder why cuz Final Fantasy 1 PS1 and you had Halo on Xbox and Halo and Halo just hasn't and the last couple years been the thing that everybody wants to play for whatever reason that's the one thing that's one thing I can say about some exclusive games like you got a Halo that their success boosted bunch of big time and then you have like what what was it then well they've been making all kinds of game computer game Bolivian was the first time I'd really ever heard of yeah they have my dagger Paul then Marwan Marlon was when it got but I'm not really familiar with but I haven't got a ton of time with him I actually nothing jump to off fabric I actually found Arena complete in box and sold it on eBay for like $100 I bought it for $3 at the Peddlers I'm not sure little flip I done just a little $1 box everything was in this thing had registration all the discs everything isn't in mint condition to nothing wrong about what do you think about it I mean even even 10 years ago games that were developed for the PC or so far graphically Superior to even that came out on, and now we're well and now we're getting to that point where the lowing PCS and the consoles are almost on even playing you it's kind of I don't know what to say if by towing a little bit here yeah I mean in the Netflix and the only thing that's the piece he's got going for it but but now there's so much money in consoles and PCs that people who want the games for the PCS that they would never would have wanted 10 years ago like I would never want to Jet Force Gemini on my on my Windows 98 computer Nintendo 64 that's why our people are wanting games every because of used to be able black PS2 and it came out all the graphics are so much better you had to be on PS2 but now that Gamers have a choice what they want play on Kevin he's either got to figure out what they're if they're going to stay with the exclusivity or spread the love around because there's more Gamers everyday pick it up PCS and consoles that I want to play the same game and want to play with her friend forms in different distributors I'll have to decide whether or not what they're going to do to make them feel seem more appealing to the gamer to try yeah I mean like the only reason I have origin on my computer on